Change username form. Insert an info and press enter to submit, or press escape to close.
Create a new account form. Press escape to close.
Validate mail form. Press escape to close.
Lost password form. Insert an info and press enter to submit, or press escape to close.
Confirm address message dialog. Press escape to close.
“In fiscal year 2024, we improved our understanding of needs and pain points, pivoting to the products and services most impactful to real-life career journeys. Our organization has a 100+ year history of serving accounting and finance professionals, and this year, we broadened our aspiration to serve business professionals who want to make a positive difference within their organizations and society while advancing their own careers.”
– Mike DePrisco, IMA president and CEO
IMA Year 2024: Impacting Today, Inspiring Tomorrow
The lead stories of the year included:
- Delivering 48 new eLearning courses and more than 280 webinars on topics like AI, sustainability, talent retention, and others
- Engaging members with continuing education, with more than 500,000 CPE credits awarded this fiscal year
- Launching the FMAA™ (Financial and Managerial Accounting Associate) certification for students and early career professionals