Dianna Steinbach headshot

Dianna Steinbach, CAE

Senior Vice President, Growth and Marketing

Dianna Steinbach is IMA’s senior vice president, growth and marketing. As an executive who has been responsible for critical finances in many different roles throughout her career, Dianna is a champion of telling a business’ story through its numbers. She sees strategic finance as the foundation that enables an organization to achieve its goals as well as the place to measure progress and success.

Dianna is a Certified Association Executive (CAE) and an international operations expert who has managed associations as well as for-profit industry and event entities for more than 20 years. Her experience includes growing and diversifying operations and events in Asia Pacific, the Americas, Africa, Europe, Eurasia, and the Middle East.

From launching new programs to opening new business units to overseeing mergers and acquisitions, Dianna has a passion for helping organizations find the right path toward maximum success.

She is the programming chair and board member for the European Society of Association Executives (ESAE) and a member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) International Associations Advisory Council. She regularly speaks and writes about association management topics for a variety of organizations. She also has been a faculty member for the Membership Marketing School and a past member of the IBTM World Association Leaders Forum Advisory Board. Dianna holds an Executive Master of Business Administration degree.