Larry R. White, CMA, CFM, CSCA

Larry White is currently IMA’s Board member for the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), a board founding member of the Profitability Analytics Center of Excellence, and a board member of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association.

White retired from the U.S. Coast Guard as a Captain with more than 28 years of service, including 21 years in financial management and accounting. He was the executive director of the Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA) Institute for 14 years and a senior business advisor with Deloitte for seven years. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and an MBA from Columbia University.

White is a former Chair of the IMA Global Board and a member of the IMA Emeritus Committee. He served in the Chair role in fiscal 2004-2005. He has been a member of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board and a member of the International Federal of Accountants (IFAC) Professional Accountants in Business Committee.