Virginia "Ginger" White, CMA, CSCA

Ginger White was the Chair of IMA’s Global Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. She was the fifth female to be IMA Global Board Chair in the organization’s 102-year history.

An IMA member since 1999, White previously served two terms as chair of IMA’s Member Relations Standing Board Committee and served as chair for several other committees, including the Performance Oversight & Audit, Planning and Development, Nominating, and Governance Standing Board Committees. She also served as the chief operating officer at the American Accounting Association (AAA), playing a key role managing the internal operations of the organization and reporting directly to AAA’s executive director. White spent more than 21 years in various financial roles at Cummins Inc., where she ended her career at the company as the Corporate Purchasing Finance Director. She is published in Forbes, Directors & Boards, and Strategic Finance, and is featured in IMA’s Count Me In podcast. White is currently enjoying retirement with her husband, Scott.