IMA Research Foundation
IMA's Research Foundation is dedicated to funding relevant, thought-provoking research that furthers the knowledge and scope of accounting and financial management. To date, the Foundation has bestowed more than $2 million USD in research grants to academics and doctoral students. For submission of all grant applications please use the IMA Application Portal.
Researchers should know that IRF is no longer able to distribute surveys or interview requests to IMA members for the purpose of academic research. Researchers are encouraged to pursue other sources such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, Qualtrics, Prolific, and LinkedIn. You can apply for funding from IRF in supporting data collection from various sources.
Research Grant Programs
IMA Incubator Grant Program
The Incubator Grant Program awards grants of up to $5,000 for small Proof of Concept projects that will lead to more in-depth research.
Submissions are due on January 31.
› Incubator Grant Overview & Application
Academic Research Grant Program
The Research Grant Program awards grants for innovative research proposals relating to primary management accounting activities such as decision support, planning, and control.
Submissions: Ongoing
› Guidelines for Submitting Research Proposals
Doctoral Scholars Program
This program supports doctoral students at various stages in their program.
Submissions: Ongoing
Examples of Proposals & Deliverables
Good Example Proposal
- What Makes A Good Grant Proposal
- The Management Accounting Profession; Developing Roles and Identity Conflicts
- Management Control System Design for the Psychologically Entitled: Incentives, Monitoring, and Deviance
Strategic Finance Article Example
- Making Performance Feedback Work
- Haier's Win-Win Value Added Approach
- Why Good People Do Bad Things at Work
C-Suite Report Example
White Paper Example
Distinguished Scholar Award
This award recognizes a researcher who has made outstanding contributions over a sustained period of time to the applied management accounting literature. This award recognizes the accomplishments of a mid-career or later nominee. Candidates must have received their terminal degree (e.g., Ph.D., DBA, Ed.D.) at least 10 years previously. This award may be awarded jointly to researchers who have collaborated extensively together.
Nominations Accepted: September 1 –April 1
Emerging Scholar Award
This award recognizes an early-career researcher who has made a meaningful and important contribution to the applied management accounting literature. Nominees must have published at least one single-authored manuscript or a co-authored article where they were the lead author. Nominees must have a terminal degree (e.g., Ph.D., DBA, Ed.D.) and have received their degree within the prior five years. Recipients of this award will receive an award of $2,500.
Nominations Accepted: September 1 –April 1
Questions about the IMA Research Foundation’s research grant programs and awards can be submitted to the IMA Research Foundation team at
IMA Research Foundation Executive Board Members
Vairam Arunachalam, Ph.D., CMA, CFE
University of Missouri
Committee Chair
Lan Guo, Ph.D., CPA
Wilfrid Laurier University
Committee Vice Chair
Kip Krumwiede, Ph.D., CMA, CPA, CSCA
Virginia Commonwealth University
Chair, Academic Proposal Review
William R. Koprowski, Ph.D., J.D., CMA, CFM
College of Charleston
Associate Chair, Academic Proposal Review
Wei Cai, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Chair, Doctoral Proposals Review
Lin Qiu, Ph.D.
Purdue University
Associate Chair, Doctoral Proposal Review
Susan F. Weiss, Ph.D., CMA, CFM, CPA
Rhode Island College
Chair, Awards Committee
Giovanni Chin-A-Sen, CMA
Associate Chair, Awards Committee
IMA Research Foundation Advisory Board Members
Hussien Samy Hussien AWD, CMA
Star Food Industry
Vibha Bhandari, Ph.D., CMA
University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman
Kristine M. Brands, DM, CMA
United States Air Force Academy
Kimberly Swanson Church, Ph.D.
Missouri State University
Gary M. Cokins, CPIM
Analytics-Based Performance Management, LLC
Will Demere, Ph.D., CPA
Indiana University
Shane Dikolli, Ph.D.
Darden School of Business
University of Virginia
Kanishk Dilaware, Chartered Accountant (ICAI) India, CMA
Roa'a Amer Elayat, CMA
Andrew J. Felo, Ph.D., CMA, CFM, CFE
Susquehanna University
Shubhro Michael Gomes, CMA, FCMA (India), FIPA, FFA, PMP, CISA
Ron Guay, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA
Kip Krumwiede, Ph.D., CMA, CPA
Virginia Commonwealth University
Cheng-Hsun Lee, Ph.D.
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Seung Won Lee, Ph.D., CMA, CPA, CFA
Penn State Harrisburg
Chenyong Liu, Ph.D., CFE
California State University, Los Angeles
Mark D. Mishler, CMA, CFM, CPA
CFO Resource Management
Sumit Mishra, CMA
Tota Um Panggabean, Ph.D., CMA
California State University, Sacramento
Tamil Selvan Ramadoss, CMA, CSCA, ACMA, FIPA, FFA, MCSI, PMP, SFA (Harvard)
Group CFO & Business Transformation Officer
RMB Group, Dubai, UAE
Babu I. Razack, Ph.D., CMA, ACMA (India)
Stephen B. Salter, Ph.D.
Middle Tennessee State University
Jason D. Schloetzer, Ph.D.
Georgetown University
Dr. Mike Schulze
CBS International Business School, Germany
Ryan D. Sommerfeldt, Ph.D.
Brigham Young University
Sean Stein Smith, Ph.D., CMA
Lehman College
Parvathy Venkatesh, CMA, CSCA (India)
Ramanath Iyer & Company
Qijian Xiao, CMA, CISA, CFA-ESG
Industry Professor (China & Australia)