
Build Your Network

IMA Student Chapters provide a fun and engaging community to start meeting new people, exploring your career options, and building connections and friendships that last a lifetime. But the networking doesn’t end at the gates of your campus. You’ll be directly connected to leaders from IMA, as well as over 140,000 IMA members worldwide.

Gain Insight

Gain Insight, Experience, and Great Memories

IMA Student Chapters plan events and activities to engage with professors from your school, promote valuable IMA services and support for students, and learn from leaders from the world of accounting and finance. Each chapter is run by its members, so whether you are hosting a Q&A with a local business leader or just getting together to celebrate International Management Accounting Day, you’ll build important leadership and teamwork experience.

Serve Your Community

Serve Your Community

Accounting and finance professionals have always been leaders in community service. IMA Students Chapters continue this tradition by organizing and participating in projects that benefit their local communities.

Student Chapters in Action

Every year, student chapters vie for the IMA Student Chapter Award of Excellence, which recognizes chapters for achieving distinction in their promotion of IMA’s mission and vision and providing a broader range of activities and services to their members. All schools that achieve Gold status will receive $500.

Start an IMA Student Chapter

If you don’t have an IMA Student Chapter on your campus, we encourage you to start one! IMA’s Community Relations Team is here to support you every step of the way.