Our publishing opportunities include double-blind peer-reviewed journals, with pieces ranging from research studies and white papers to technical articles and case studies. IMA also welcomes volunteer peer reviewers for its professional publications (see Submission Guidelines).


Strategic Finance

IMA’s award-winning magazine, Strategic Finance, covers the important topics and trends that impact accounting and finance professionals in business. Every month, our thought-provoking articles offer advice that helps readers perform their jobs more effectively, advance their careers, grow personally and professionally, and make their organizations more profitable.

Sample topics include:

Available online, Strategic Finance reaches IMA members globally and is the most-accessed member benefit.

› View Submission Guidelines


Statements of Management Accounting (SMAs)

SMAs are practitioner guides that spotlight current trends and issues facing the profession.

Sample topics include:

  • Digital technologies
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Planning and analysis
  • Risk management and internal controls
  • Strategic cost management
  • Other current business trends

Contact IMA Research & Publications at research@imanet.org for submission details.


IMA Educational Case Journal® (IECJ)

IECJ is a quarterly, online journal featuring instructive case studies on the complexities of the current business environment. Joint authorship by academics and practitioners are strongly encouraged.

Sample topics include:

  • Financial planning and decision making
  • Innovation governance
  • Data analytics
  • Performance evaluation and indicators
  • The role of the management accountant
  • Whistleblowing, organizational culture, and much more.

› View Submission Guidelines


IMA Research Foundation

The IMA Research Foundation is dedicated to funding relevant, thought-provoking research that furthers the knowledge and scope of accounting and financial management. To date, the Foundation has bestowed more than $1 million in research grants to academics and doctoral students.

Questions about the IMA Research Foundation's Research Program and Doctoral Student Grant Program can be submitted to research@imanet.org.