Technical and Research Resources

Statements on Management Accounting (SMAs) and Whitepapers

SMAs and whitepapers present the views of IMA regarding management accounting and financial management issues. IMA has published SMAs and whitepapers on a variety of topics including risk management, Big Data, and more.

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IMA Research Foundation

IMA's Research Foundation is dedicated to funding relevant, thought-provoking research that furthers the knowledge and scope of accounting and financial management. To date, the Foundation has bestowed more than $1,000,000 USD in research grants to academics and doctoral students.

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Management Accounting Quarterly

IMA’s refereed online journal contains in-depth articles by and for academics and practitioners of accounting and financial management. Subjects covered include cost/management accounting techniques, statistical process controls, target costing, theory of constraints, new theories in finance and accounting, and much more.

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