IMA Student Scholarship Program Details

Who is the scholarship for?

  • For IMA-endorsed Schools: 10 students per academic year can be nominated for an IMA Student Scholarship. Students can select which exam they prefer to take for the scholarship: the CMA® (Certified Management Accountant) or the FMAA™ (Financial and Managerial Accounting Associate).
  • For IMA Partner Schools*, three students per academic year can be nominated for an IMA Student Scholarship. Again, students can select which exam they prefer to take for the scholarship: the CMA or the FMAA.
  • All students who are nominated by a professor and meet the eligibility requirements will earn a scholarship.

*IMA Partner Schools must meet certain eligibility criteria, including having an active IMA student chapter on campus; integrating IMA content into the course curriculum; sending students to the IMA Student Leadership Conference; and inviting IMA to present to students on a regular basis.

What’s included?

  • Two years of IMA Student membership
  • Entrance fee to the CMA exam (must be used and both parts of the exam passed within 12 months of receiving the scholarship) OR entrance/exam fee to the FMAA exam (also must be used and exam passed within 12 months of receiving the scholarship)
  • Exam fees for Part 1 and Part 2 of the CMA exam (each exam fee can only be used once)
  • U.S. only: Access to Gleim Online Study materials for 12 months from the time the scholarship is received 

When can I apply?

IMA accepts IMA Student Scholarship nominations each academic year from September 1 through June 30.